Thursday, January 21, 2010


I need a hug.
I don't know why.

Maybe it's because of the stress I've got
during this week.
This is only the 2nd week of the semester,
and I have about 18 more to endure.
I guess,
by the end of this semester,
I'll be able to withstand all sorts of stress.
Okay, maybe not all,
but some, more than now at least.
I know,
for all the things that I'm doing and will be doing
from now and then
cannot be compared to
the others at my college.
(my batch and the seniors especially)

Today, after the only class of the day - Jazz+R&b Ensemble,
I somehow felt relieved but not for long.
I could feel stress pressing me down
and I was really tired.
The homework we've got from last class
wasn't complete
and today we've got more.
And I just remembered the transcription I need to do
for Monday's Aural Training's class.
And I have to teach a friend of mine to play a jazz piece
on Saturday, which is not a hard task.
However, it gives me pressure.
So, I came up with this conclusion,
"What gives me the pressure,
gives me the happiness too."

I still need a hug
Oh GOD Please,
just give me more faith and wisdom and energy.
I need to go on.
One more day, to the weekends.

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