Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I don't know what am I doing *HAHA*


Practice practice practice.
Why can't I just get the right sound of that chord??
Come to think of it, I haven't thought of the voicing for my "Night & Day".
I'm so sorry Mr.CWL.
But I have to get "Overjoyed" done by 12.
Why oh why, why must you be back so fast...........
You could have had more fun over there.

Okie 'nuff said.
Back to practice.

Oh there's a good news though.
I slept before 2 last night.
At least..... I slept till 6 something.
And snoozed the phone twice.
Okie fine. I need more sleep.
Starts from tonight.

It's not easy.

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