Thursday, October 15, 2009

il quarto giorno

Am listening to Paramore's latest songs now!!
Friggin happy as ever! X) *squeal*

Ah well.
It's the 4th day since it.
And today's the first time ever in the past few months,
that the mentos I bought is still the first stack in this week.
And it's Thursday already. Can you believe it?
Well, usually, the first stack usually finishes in just one day.
And yes that's one of the impacts.
Not that I'm glad with it, or not, that's not the issue.
The thing is,  I'm just happy, that it's back to normal again.
Especially, in such a short amount of time.
It's like it never happened before,
except the memories are still there, the feelings are still there as well, and it needs to be at the least level that I still can manage.

It's not easy.
But I'm doing my best.
It's okay, Jeannie.

Btw, I haven't buy the album yet.
I just downloaded some of their new songs.

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