Thursday, October 8, 2009


I don't know how the others do it.
I just don't understand how they cope with the relationships with various kind of people
at the same time
and yet doing it very well.
Maybe it's just me.
Hahahaha. I'm too used to a loner, or can only be with one of my cliques at a time.
I have many friends, which I'd think that they thought of me as a friend to them as well....
And they know who they are. =)
They're not easy to come by, really.
Those who can understand you, not necessarily 100%, but someone who knows part of you, is well enough.
And yet, they're all different kinds of people.
That is not the only thing I'm amazed at, but now I know that, different types of people can live together.
All in the same community, but may be at different places around the world.
If you know what I mean. Heh.
Friends live in one's hearts. That's why I said that. =)

Well, all I want to say is,
I'm lucky enough to have all of you, as my friends.
And, at first, I kinda liked the idea of having different stages of friends :
acquaintances, friends, good friends, best friends, BFFs and many more.
But now, I'd just think all of my friends, as just "good friends".
There are no really bad friends, ahahahha, right?
Not to say that I judge them, but to equalize them in my heart.
They're all the same to me.
You know, if I did otherwise, it'll be utterly exhausting.

It's okay that nobody really understands me, well, the same to all of you, nobody really understands you, even yourself.
Most of the people at my age, they don't really know who they are, and some of them didn't even bother to explore more of themselves. So, they can't really blame the others who don't understand them, when they don't even know about themselves, right?
We are confused. Well, I am confused. hehehe.
At least, I'm aware of what's around me, and growing slowly(you know it's not physically, it's not really possible for me now, ahhahahaha). And through that, I'll learn a lot about myself and my life.
And of course, I cannot only concentrate on myself as well.
Some important people in my life have helped me a lot, and I really appreciate their help.
Without them, I cannot even think straight, not even one second.
Hence, I have the responsibility to help them as well.
Even though it's tiring for me, as I still have to explore more of myself, to understand myself more, to not let myself be confused anymore.
For friends, I will not say that I will do everything for them, because sooner or later, they'll have to learn, the same goes to me.
But, I'll do my best to help them as much as I can.

Take care!
Au revoir for now.

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